Harford Creamery Road Bridge

Designed the replacement bridge needed due to multiple deficiencies that posed a threat to public safety.

  • Harford County DPW & MDOT SHA
  • Harford County, MD
  • $1.1M

The old structure had substandard guardrails, low load-carrying capacity, and was at risk of collapse due to embankment erosion and failing wingwalls. BAI provided structural, transportation, environmental and water resources engineering services resulting in improved roadway safety, better hydraulic conditions and water quality through construction of a new 38’ span, cast-in-place concrete bridge on shallow depth concrete girder beams using 450-foot long bio-swale and grass channel credit and restoration of about 50 feet of stream bank to reduce flooding. The roadway improvements included bridge widening to modern FHWA standards and vertical alignment resulting in smoother transitions, improved sight distance and increased design speed with minimal traffic impacts during construction due to safety-focused, detailed traffic control plans.

The project was selected as a top finalist for the 2016 MdQI (Maryland Quality Initiative) “Award of Excellence” for Transportation Projects.