Provided structural and civil investigation and engineering design services for various school projects both planned for and under emergent needs for the Baltimore County Public Schools.
Parkville Middle School Roof Collapse: Following a roof collapse caused by a major snowfall and snowdrift, BAI was on site immediately to assess the damage, the entire roof support system, and damages. Provided designs and stabilization was completed and the building was available for occupancy within 48 hours of the collapse. The team including MEP and Architect completed the design and construction documents and secured the building permits within 14 weeks to assure the construction contract could be solicited and awarded in time for construction to begin at the start of summer break.
Wellwood International School Floor System Repair: Inspected and designed repairs to an existing dox plank floor system utilizing poured-in-place reinforced concrete beams. This innovative, cost-saving approach was used in lieu of the more expensive, common practice of cutting out and replacing the entire floor section.
Sparrows Point High Vehicular Damage: An exterior cafeteria wall was damaged from a car accident, and BAI performed an emergency site inspection and damage assessment report with repair recommendations and associated costs. Designed the emergency repairs and the replacement of the damaged wall including masonry, window units, MEP equipment, and exterior protective barriers.