MD Route 97/Burntwoods Road Intersection Study: Examined intersection delay and capacity, level-of-service (LOS), traffic signal warrants, crash experiences, traffic operations, field conditions and operations and geometrics, in accordance with MUTCD and AASHTO criteria.
Corridor Traffic Signal Timing Studies: Examined five corridors, involving multiple signalized intersections to optimize traffic signal efficiencies, operations, vehicular and pedestrian safety. Conducted extensive peak hour field observations, geometric measurements and capacity analysis, utilizing Synchro software to determine LOS, volume to capacity ratios and signal timing.
US Route 29 at I-70 Safety Study: In response to safety concerns expressed, conducted a detailed traffic safety study. Key concerns involved unsafe traffic operations at the ramp intersection which resulted in multiple accidents; queuing of NB US 29 left-turn crossover lane which caused a bottleneck effect and hindered motorist along the corridor; and drivers aggressively maneuvering from lane to lane to/at the I-70 ramp merge.
MD 99 School Bus Stop Safety Study: Determined the safety of school bus stops and a sight distance analysis of all public street intersections along approximately 1.3 miles of Maryland Route 99.
MD Route 103 Traffic Study: Completed a safety analysis and crash evaluation to determine the possible need for traffic control improvements. Each location was reviewed to determine the most frequent cause of accidents, capacity analysis for a determination of Level-of-Service (LOS), critical lane volume and volume to capacity ratio.